Thursday, March 26, 2009

Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Talking Points

Okay, that's 3 places I visit that are talking about it already. So here I go too!

California legislators are making noises about banning black-painted cars (and other very dark hues) because they take more gasoline to cool on hot days.

Allow me to be the first one I know of to draw the obvious connection here:


I DEMAND they refer to these as CARS OF COLOR!!!!1! Next they will try to BAN BLACK PEOPLE because they . . . oh, nevermind, you get the joke already.

You can still buy bottled water in California. Does nobody care that it takes 2,000 times more energy to drink a bottle of water than it does to drink from the tap? Oh, right, demagoguery is much easier than taking away bottled water. Good work then California!

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