Friday, March 6, 2009

Vote For David Comment Moderation Policy

Just so everyone is aware:

Due to some silliness before my blog had many readers, I screen all comments prior to publishing them. Almost all of them are approved and published, shortly before my response (if any) is posted. When you post a comment, bear in mind that you are addressing me personally and if I feel like sharing with the rest of the class, I might post it. If you get bent out of shape that your comment was not posted, feel free to send another comment up for me to reject.

To be clear: I generally prefer clarity to agreement. Make your point, but be nice about it and don't annoy me, and you will likely see your comments published here. That you are a kook or a whack-o will be plain from your own words, so there is usually no great purpose served by deleting your words just because you are wrong.

If you present an annoying number of logical fallacies, false assertions, or repeated arguments in the face of disproof, expect to have your comments rejected. If you are rude, disrespectful, hateful, or generally go beyond what a sane person would say in face-to-face conversation, I may delete your comment. If you make arguments against a group of people, instead of against a specific person or point, expect not to have your comment published. If you engage in vain & profane swearing, your comment will be deleted, regardless of what else you had to say. If I feel like it for any other reason including but not limited to a lack of rest or need of coffee, I may delete your comment. When I decide there have been enough words said, the discussion is over. There is no appellate court.

I check at most once a day for comments awaiting moderation. Don't be surprised if your words take a few days to show up.

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