Monday, March 15, 2010

Madness @ Work!

NLB just found out his wife is expecting a child, she's < 2months along. He went to the Dr. with her for an ultrasound this morning. BYM came up a little while after NLB got in and rushed into NLB's station. . .

BYM: Whathappenedwhathappened?
NLB: I'm not telling what happened (fooling with phone)
BYM: Whathappenedwhathappened?
NLB (holds up his phone with a photo of an ultrasound machine's display showing what is ostensibly a baby)
BYM: So where's the penis?
NLB: It's too small.
VFD, BYM, then eventually NLB: LOL . . .

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