Thursday, March 18, 2010

How Laws Are NOT Supposed To Be Made:

It is unclear that the 'reconciliation' bill, fixing the Senate version, which the House is currently considering, will be able to pass the Senate without substantial changes. That is, this is a bill that the Senate would have to pass in exactly the same form, in order for it to become law, and they might not want to just sign off on all the changes from the House. Then it would have to go back to the House, and that is probably going to be after Easter break when the Congress will have retired for the holiday and was told in no uncertain terms that they would be fireD if Obamacare got to the President's desk.

So the Senate is not likely to pass a bill that may pass the house, that modifies a bill that the Senate passed and then deems it passed without passing it, reconciling the Senate and House bills, which should normally be done in a conference committee but the House can't get a bill passed that the Senate would agree with.


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