Monday, March 15, 2010

Four Years Of Double Health Insurance Payments: Sure Why Not?

Because apparently, everyone can afford to pay twice as much for health insurance for four years. . .

More news you may haven't heard about already: With the current bill they're trying to jam down your Representative's throat (the Senate-passed version) you will be getting bills for your Obamacare insurance plan for the next ten years. Your Obamacare insurance COVERAGE will start in year FIVE. That would be four years of paying for "defecit neutrality" and you still have to get your health care paid for somehow.

Immediate payments, but coverage starts in 4 years. That's why you're hearing it's reducing the deficit in 1st 10 years. This plan will cost a metric boatload of cash, but because they won't be paying out ANYTHING for the first four years, only taking in funds, it is deficit-neutral. You are not to ask about the next ten years of red ink, or the next, or the next . . .

You will still need to have health insurance for those first 4 years.

Will that be free?


By the way, the money you will be paying in for Obamacare? Yeah, that's going to current beneficiaries in the current government health care system. They are spending more money than they take in to pay Medicare bills. See? Deficit neutral. For ten years. By only providing 6 years of benefits. GENIUS!

Boortz has a fun analogy:
You go to lease a car for 10 years. The first place says they'll lease it to you for $40,000 The second place says they'll only charge you $36,000. But you'll only get the car at the beginning of the FIFTH year. And you'll have to pay for something else to drive in the mean time.

Aaaaand Obama is backing off his call to not make any special deals for individual States as required to get individual Representatives to vote for the bill. In case you also missed that little gem.

What are you going to do about it?

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