Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Deem and Pass: Liberty FAIL.

Yesterday at 22:30hrs, a shell was approved by the House Budget committee. Approaching 2,300 pages of bill that is moving so fast it doesn't have a number yet. Don't worry about reading it though, because today probably after you are asleep, it will be replaced. Thousands of pages will be put in place of the thousands of pages already approved. This chicanery is a required first step to force an extremely unpopular bill (the healthcare system destruction bill) through Congress with as few votes in favor of it as possible. The rules committee will have ONE HOUR to review the several thousands of pages of changes. Because they want to be sure it's free of pork and corruption, and that it protects your rights and favors your health care they will have one hour to read several thousand pages. After that extensive period of review, the rules committee will vote on and probably pass the bill into the house, where they will vote on it.

They will technically be voting on some fixes to the Senate version of the healthcare system destruction bill with the Slaughter Rule included. If that rule passes, they are going to "DEEM" that the Senate bill passed. They will pass it, without having voted on it. Because they are so courageous, and so convinced that you need this bill they are completely unwilling to try a straight up/down vote on the floor of the house.

They think you're stupid. And they think your Elected Hero is stupid, and shouldn't have a say in what happens to several tens of trillions of dollars of your own and your childrens' money. Arrogance and contempt for the desires and rights of the American populace on a truly breathtaking scale, that's what it is. Tyranny, is what it is.

Then the Democrats who end up voting for this rather obvious ploy will go back to their useful-idiot constituents and say "no, I voted to FIX it not FOR it. I voted for the part that fixed the abortion language. I voted for the part that got rid of the special deals for individual states (cornhusker kickback, louisiana purchase, handout montana, university yukon etc.)." Then the useful idiots will (it is hoped) vote for them again, even though they have destroyed the Republic.

WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? Your phone still works, doesn't it?

Fun facts: As of yesterday, Section 343 completely eliminated the private student loan market. Want to give your nephew a loan? How about your parishoners? How about the students at your own university? Tough. How is that related to health care? Shut up, that's how!

Also fun: in 2005 the Democrats were standing in the way of the Republican-led Deficit Reduction act of 2005, which the Republicans used the Deem and Pass method to get through. That act was to reduce the deficit by raising the debt cieling. :( Ralph Nader's people brought suit because different versions were passed by the different houses of Congress. Nanci Pelosi and Louise Slaughter filed amicus briefs to SCOTS saying they didn't like this sort of shenanigans. This isn't the first time your courageous Elected Heroes have pulled this stunt. This sort of bad politics has been going on since at least 1933.

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