Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day Zero.

~or~ The Hope Grows Yet More Dim.

There is still hope for America. It is fainter now than it was yesterday. Fox can make fun all they like, but this may very well have been the turning point for the late, great America.

You'll know for sure this November. If it does NOT go from Filibuster-proof Democrat majority to Veto-proof Republican majority on capitol hill, we're probably screwed. Stock up on guns and ammo, and I don't mean the magazine.

If you think what happened today was a Good Thing, you are a government-educated fool and you deserve what is coming to you within the next few years. My children and I will either be freshly (re)minted Texians, or somewhere English isn't the native language of the country. You fools will be finding out what Socialism tastes like while we will be shaking our heads from across at least one border.

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