Wednesday, September 22, 2010

More News From the Place Where England Used to Be

If you watch a video of people burning the koran in the UK, and somebody invades your privacy by looking over your shoulder? That's an arrest for suspicion of inciting racial hatred. Not burning the book, which would be possibly inciting religious hatred, but merely watching the video: ARRESTED.

Oh, and because Communism is really the superior system, a modest proposal: seeing we already take most of "your" money anyhow, and seeing that (to quote Barbie) "Math is hard," how about we just take all your money and give you what's left when we're done with it. Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs thinks they could juice her subjects for more revenue, if all the revenue went through them first. This idea has not been laughed off the planet, because the English are thoroughly conditioned to being taken care of by their government. Unlike us. oh, wait.

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