Tuesday, September 14, 2010

President Obama Speaks In Code to The Children

I was working and missed most of the speech. With this Dear Leader speechifying, you don't have to listen very long to find the Socialism, anyhow. I caught one sentence and it would have been a jaw-dropper if I didn't already know this is how the man thinks.

He read said: "what makes us who we are . . . is we help others [reach for their own dreams]" Translation: government, seizing your wealth for the benefit of other people's dreams being fulfilled, makes us (America) who we are.

Here's a throwaway sentence while you think about the last one.

If you understand what makes America America, or even if you just understand ^ THAT is NOT what makes us who we are, congratulations. Government schooling didn't grind it out of you entirely. President Obama thinks taking from the productive and giving to the moocher class is what makes us who we are. By that one sentence he told you a) he doesn't understand America or b) he wishes it were not how it truly is.

Either a) or b) it doesn't matter. If you don't do your part to tie his legislative hands this November, we're all screwed.

In Texas it was controversial that he was going to be addressing the kiddies, and they sent permission slips home to see if you wanted your children to hear it. Opt-in to listen to the POTUS speak. That would be astonishing if not for the fact that this POTUS just can't leave the abject Statism in him at home, even for one speech.

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