Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where's The Fire?

I was a the birthday party for JA's 2 year-old son, and a fire truck pulled up outside and the EMT/Firemen piled out. The mother had called them. She said, "Look, I know this isn't Party City, it's a fire station, but . . . " and they weren't busy just then. . . .

It was a fire truck party, you see. Graham cracker fire trucks with oreo wheels, fireman hats for everybody under 10 years old, cake shaped like a fire truck, etc. So, the mother took a long shot and came up a winner. They sent out an older truck, but it was still huge, red-and-chrome, and it came with o-fishul firemen inside. It was a big hit with the kids, and the parents didn't mind either.


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