Sunday, September 12, 2010

Gizmodo Disappoints :(

For grins I decided to see what's shaking at Gizmodo. They linked up the following stories but missed big-time in at least one way on them all . . .

You Don't Own your software. Duh? Okay, so not being able to transfer it would suck but I'm with the 9th circus for once: you want to use what someone else spends millions to develop and charges hundreds to use? You comply with their EULA or do without!

Consumers less interested in buying a 3D TV after actually using a 3D TV. Bulky ugly glasses are said to be one detracting feature. The other detracting feature is that the test was a sporting event. 3D TV is for PORN viewing. Do this same survey but with middle-aged single males and show porn instead of soccer, and tell me the results won't be different.

US Navy loses control of a robot helicopter, which heads straight for the capitol ocean. The commenters had to pick this up where the "reporter" left off: The BASE, not the plane, malfunctioned, then the UAV headed straight for the ocean, as designed. It's not the robot's fault that sends it straight at the Dear President.

Top 10 things to do with a new windows 7 PC list fails to include: strip out all the crap that makes it different from XP, or just install XP on it if you can. Seriously: a) Top 10 lists are universally lame and b) so is Windows 7. You remember the "Windows 7 was my idea" commercials on the idiot box? I made fun of ALL of them. Windows 7 was your idea, and it sucks because you're lame, as is the gee-whiz Windows feature they spent a million dollars making a commercial to advertise.

Oh well. I can't proofread everything before it hits the intarwebz.

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