Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Go to a Pharmacy for Your Drugs

My Darling Wife sent me to the HEB grocery store for some milk and eggs, and I told her I'd also go to Walgreens for some Sudafed for the kids. She said HEB now has a little card on the shelf which you can take to the pharmacy to purchase the evil, restricted pseudoephedrine. I thought that was pretty spiffing, so I stopped at HEB first.

They have the cards and it looks like they have their act together. I snagged a card for Children's Sudafed syrup, walked over and handed it to the clerk at the pharmacy counter. The PFY told me "this product has been back-ordered, for weeks." I told him "Then you need to give Walgreens a call, because they know where to get it!" and left to go buy my other groceries. This, by the way, comes after they (lying) told my Darling Wife that both Sudafed and Tavist had been discontinued by the manufacturers.

I went to Walgreens and they had the Sudafed in its usual location, clearly visible from the pharmacy counter. I mentioned the foregoing to the pharmacist, and she said that Walgreens has multiple suppliers. I said "How hard was that?" and showed my State-issued Guaranteed Not To Be A Felon 4 Sho card and paid, and took my thank-you-Jesus-for-this-wonderful-stuff medicine home.

I think maybe HEB doesn't want to sell Sudafed.

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