Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's Funny Because It's True

My Darling Wife took the healthy half of the Zoo to church tonight and my fatigue/sinus congestion headache and I watched over the unhealthy half. #3 was good, and went down as intended (to bed, not to sleep, but he was quiet at least). #4 is still incapable of goodness or badness, but he also went to sleep on schedule. Then, 20 minutes later, he woke up and started crying. Then he continued to cry. After that, he cried some more. For almost a full hour.

My Darling Wife got home almost a full hour late (coincidence?!) and within a minute, #4 was smiles and sunshine again, with nature's finest pacifier just where he wanted it. I told her

VFD: Just don't give him a frying pan.
DW: A frying pan?
VFD: You remember the baby dinosaur?
DW: LOL Oh, not the mama!

When I was a mere lad, this was funny because it was comic genius. Now, to quote Danny DeVito, "It's like lookin' in a mirra!"

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