Sunday, January 9, 2011

One Sick Puppy

He's been off his feed and staying in his room more than normal. Last night: repeated vomiting, with flecks of blood. Today: brown/black jelly on the floor and vomited foamy mucus. Nice. Well, we didn't pay anything for him. We'll see how he does. If this keeps up, its da vet. We already told the children VFDdog#2 may be dying.

You know what people did before veterinarians reached the frontier? What we're going to do: pray and watch.


Update: My Darling Wife expressed indignation that I would consider taking a dawg to a doctor but not our son. Our son with a cold, vs. a dog puking blood. Also she mentioned my more-pressing need for a new pair of sneakers. Hmm . . . maybe I'm the animal lover here, after all. Well, if I can writhe on the bed for a day to see what happens before calling a doctor, a dog can too.

This post was significantly edited later the same day it was written.

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