Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mission Accomplished: Tucson Shooting Was Bush's Fault

I was listening to NPR this morning, and got another example of how their reasonable-sounding dulcet tones sometimes hide genuine weapons-grade leftist craziness. The person on the microphone was using words that sounded sane, but they were being coo-coo. The leftists have now tried to lay the blame for the killings last weekend at the feet of President G.W. Bush and his baaaaad-ol' Republican Congressional allies. They let the good and reasonably-restrictive weapons that look like assault weapons ban expire in 2004. Therefore it was easier to get the wicked evil awful 30-round magazine the crazy person used.

I immediately pointed out (to the radio and the empty air around me) that a) high-capacity magazines were available during the ban and b) nothing was stopping the crazy person from using two guns with normal-capacity magazines anyway. This canard has been noticed by others and there are a few more reasons the argument holds no water. Hat tip: Uncle.

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