Saturday, January 15, 2011

Government School Extra-Curicular Shenanigans

Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you. A college student was involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital for two weeks when she reported a suspicion of a hidden camera in her room. There was a hidden camera in her room, but I guess she sounded crazy about it. . .

I don't think that phrase means what you think it means. Local school board member says he wants parents to communicate with the board by whatever means necessary". In this case, a parent responded to a 04:30 robocall about schools being closed that day by sending a 04:30 robocall to the school board members, complaining. That is clever and probably legal. "By any means necessary" is something that was probably said off-hand and without thought. Do you really want someone to be shot with an engraved bullet? A car bomb to protest parking lot rules? I ain't advocating violence here, just saying: be careful in your choice of words. . . .

Hat tips to Instapundit and Sipsey Street Irregulars, respectively.

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