Investor's Business Daily has a story that puts the number at 45.6 million, MINUS:
These people are the main reason our hospitals are closing, bankrupt. Also they are an example of what happens in America when health care becomes "free"
To rephrase the above: out of 300 Million AMERICANS without health care insurance, approximately 11.3 million or LESS THAN 2% genuinely cannot afford health care insurance.
"about" 290 million Americans have, or could get, health care insurance on their own dime.
Howard Dean admitted to Esquire Magazine that 117 million people would be foisted off onto the government plan.
Oh, and by the way it will be about a TRILLION DOLLARS more expensive than we can afford, based on estimates that are reportedly on the low side of cost and high side of what we can afford.
Oh, and by the way, it would lead to a drastically lower standard of care than we are used to, and waiting lines for health care, and rationing of care, and more people dying from preventable causes.
SO why is it required to NOW NOW NOW get this health care payment reform system passed into law? Especially seeing as the President himself has not even familiarized himself with (much less actually read) the proposed legislation!
Because of Laura Ingraham's Quote of The Day: "No one wants to tell the speaker that she's moving too fast and they damn sure don't want to tell the President." -Rep. Charlie Rangel
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