Wednesday, July 29, 2009

STATES' Rights? Man, They Hate INDIVIDUAL Rights!

From Yahoo! News

"The federal government ought to pass a law banning this dangerous and growing practice to protect the millions of Americans on our nation's roads. It is a matter of public safety," said Sen. Charles Schumer,

No, Senator Schumer, it is a matter of supremacy. Georgia for how long now has given her pickup truck drivers the ability to drive around without seatbelts. I wish more states would have said "no" to the Highway Funding teat when Congress first took off our collective brassiere.

Because you have continued to re-elect simpering fools to high office, you now are faced with people in D.C. who know better telling you one more thing you cannot do Because We Say.

Nevermind that they could have just leaned on the cell phone industry -you know, the ones actually engaging in interstate commerce here? Yeah, with existing technology the phone companies could prevent you texting while driving. No no, my friends they are coming after YOU, PERSONALLY!

"What are you in for?"
"I printed 3 Million dollars in fake money, you?"
"Texting while driving."
"Dang, dawg, you're a stone cold CRIMINAL!"

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