Thursday, August 26, 2010

Georgetown, Texas GIVING Away Spayed/Neutered Feral Cats

Another one from the "old notes" file . . .

A few weeks ago on the radio, they announced that Georgetown was going to GIVE away spayed/neutered cats from the animal shelter. Feral cats. Cats you CAN'T have as a pet, for use in barns as a mouse control measure in your barn or whatnot. Give. No adoption fees, even. $0.

That would be, cats nobody wanted in the first place, you are going to pay to capture, sterilize and medically treat them, and then you are going to give them away. You. The taxpayer. That would be, instead of sticking the unwanted cats in the freezer ($0) or ziplock bags ($1) or gassing them ($15).


Because they're fuzzy and you are soft. This is dumb.

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