Thursday, August 19, 2010

Contact Your Senator!

If you think it is a good thing that your State and Cuonty and City are bankrupt due to outrageous pay and benefits packages for public sector unions, disregard the following.

If you would like to force public sector employees into unions, whether they would like to be unionized or not -even if unionization is a worse deal for the individual policeman or fireman- disregard the following.

If you would like to see the federal government impose union rules on States (and individuals), even though these are strictly local contracts which have nothing at all to do with national governance or regulation, disregard the following.


Attention all patriots and advocates for less-intrusive government: please contact your Sentors and tell them that you are Opposed to S.1611, the intentionally-misnamed "Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act"

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