Friday, October 10, 2008

Credit Cards Collapse: CRISIS!

From Business Week:

For those who haven't been reading all my old posts I'll give you the answer in advance: It was me.

Well who'd have thunk it? A trillion dollars in credit card debt is looking like the next big thing in economy-slowing, here in good old default/collapse land. Huh. I wonder, has anybody been talking about this? (see above)

Yes people it's the same thing as housing, but instead of a few hundred trillion total, it's only a trillion dollars this time.

If I weren't serious, it would be a bad joke. Remember a "nobody" saw this coming, and the entire US government is going to be shocked into socialism by it. Look for a few billion extra to be printed out to "bail out" the people who spent more dollars than they had, at 30% interest, and surpRISE SurPRISE they can't make the payments. Look for a possible return to the 2% minimum payments, nevermind what the recent bankruptcy laws put into place (4% minimum, so you will eventually pay it off).

This isn't rocket science folks, but it is going to be ugly for a while.

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