Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama: Hates the 1st, 2nd, and now 4th, 5th, 6th & MORE!

Seen at Days of Our Trailers

This starts out as an article about how Barack Hussein Obama is accepting of his neighbors' rights being completely stripped away, for the percieved safety of his family, and the reporterette who wrote the story thinks this is the way to go. If you don't think Obama doesn't care about the Constitution, read what he allows to happen to the people with whom he is friendly and attends neighborhood cookouts. Then think what he would do for the yokels in flyover country, and the whacko behind your keyboard.

I seem to remember a quote to the effect that those who are willing to sacrifice liberty for security, deserve, and will get, neither.

Tell that to Mary Mitchell, who is advocating ditching the Constitution wholesale as a means of curbing gun violence in a city where guns are prohibited.

Yes that's right, in Chicago, gun control didn't work, so now they are openly advocating the same things we read about in countries whose government style ends in "ism".

In free America, she wants:

Warrantless searches
Interrogations and detention of citizens not accused of any crime
Confiscation of personal property

All because the ONLY thing that has been proven to REDUCE CRIME, is an unthinkable monstrosity:

Let the people fight back.

Let the people enjoy the freedom secured for them by the Founders and enshrined in the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution against violation by the Federal government. Let them keep and bear arms.

Let the "wild west" and "blood running in the street" pants-sh!tting hysteria not dissuade the only effective crime control measure they haven't tried (short of totalitarian police state tactics): Allow the people to defend themselves, and let the criminals know it can happen to them, too.

More and more jurisdictions are allowing citizens to go about armed and seeing reductions in crime, while the places where individual arms are forbidden pretty much uniformly have worse and more terrible types of crime.

I know it is a phobia. I know the anti's are literally afraid of guns. I know that reason and statistics and facts have nothing to do with what is acceptable.

That's why, unless the 2nd Amendment is incorporated like the others, Chicago, San Fransisco, New York, and places like them, will continue to go deeper into the toilet.



How nice. I was reading Col. Cooper's Commentaries from December 1996 and found that he agreed with me.

"In the big cities we put up with violence because we wish to. There are two options, neither of which we are prepared to take. One is a police state, and the other is a totally armed citizenry. If we do not like either of those two choices we can take to the streets and wave our arms. This may relieve our feelings, but it will not help the situation."

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