Friday, October 10, 2008

Oh The Poor Children of Queer Parents!

From (of course, who else?) Fox News

30 Queers in Australia have something new to worry about.

No, not HIV/AIDS
No, not STI/STDs
No, not overdosing on drugs
No, not Suicide
No, not depression
No, not hygiene

No, no, no, not the things we already KNOW that queers should be worried about. No in this case we've got a couple of DOZEN queer women worried that their children will be having sex with their 1/2-siblings and making drain bamaged babies from incestuous relationships.

Why? Because the regulations on artificial insemination in Australia reflect the mental disorder of Liberalism. These females went and made babies so they could pretend to be Mothers and part of a Family. Now it comes out that 29 of them (or more?) have children from the same sperm donor. And the children won't know if, when they engage in anonymous sex in a bathroom like their 'parents' probably did, they are both mixing from the same pot, so to speak.

It should be obvious, but I'll point it out anyhow:

If your country didn't let women without husbands get artificial insemination treatment, this would never be a concern, except for the most self-hating and irresponsible of queer women who go to anonymous, paid, or 'friendly' sources for sperm.

Just one more reason to do things the way God intended.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Copy/Paste.....Just in Case