Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Economy: Bad Recession, Playing Footsie w/ Depression.

Consumer spending has (officially, finally) fallen in the US. For the first time since the last fairly bad recession, 3.1%. But you already knew that because the economy is you people and

You people keep not spending your MONEY!

SO, tell you what we'll do: We're going to cut the interest rate on loans from Uncle Sugar to 0%.

That's right. Zero percent financing from the only one dumb enough to lend money right now to people who should be going out of business: you the US Federal Government.

You have stopped buying things you don't need.

So manufacturers have stopped making them, and their suppliers of materials and equipment have stopped making materials and equipment, because nobody is buying more of them, either.

Nobody is making MORE STUFF because everyone is stretched to the limit.

The solution? Obviously cheaper loans! That way, you will take on more debt! Then the economy will recover like magic! And your grandkids can pay it all off!

Wonderful. Thanks guys, see you at the ballot box!

Oh, wait, who put them there, the voters, or Bush?

oooooooooh, that's right. Good job staying out of the capitalism, jerks.

By the way, some people called this a year and two years in advance. I won't say I told you so, but . . .

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