Thursday, October 16, 2008

How Long Until They Start Being Off'd?

I was sitting last night thinking about how the good Secretary was quite open about stealing $2.25T from you and me, and a new thought occurred to me.

America has been famous for hundreds of years for peaceful transfers of government from one party to another. You know, unlike the third world, where outright warfare sometimes follows elections.

But they are stepping on some toes pretty hard these days. How much harder will they have to step, before someone with a deer rifle turns it into a Secretary rifle? Anything that will put down a deer will go through level III armor like it's not even there, don't you know. How long will it be, before someone who lost a lot of buddies in foreign lands defending capitalism, decides to go and off the socialist elites in Washington, who are tossing capitalism straight under the bus?

The socialists do have one thing working in their favor. The people who see the need of regulating deer, moose, elk, duck, etc. population so the animals won't go starve to death in winter; the people who see the tremendous value to the palate of a nice aged venison steak; these are the same people who have the good rifles. The people clinging to their guns are the same ones who cling to their religion, which tells them Thou Shalt Not Kill.

So it may be that we have to go so far down the road to oppression that it's irreversible. We may have to wait until it's obvious even to the unobservant citizenry that we HAVE TO fight back. When the rabble start being roused to violence, THEN I think the Good People will take out their "interesting" rifles and start doing some good.

Probably not very much before then.

Unlike the muslims, the Christians have a holy book that says NOT to kill the infidel.

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