Monday, December 1, 2008

Policeman Shot . . . By . . . Himself?

At least he was apparently not claiming to be the only one professional enough to handle a Glock Foh-tee, and it wasn't in front of an entire gun safety class. Still, having just HELD a gun safety class for his own child, one would have hoped Chief Greg Schwarber would have remembered to clear his weapon before cleaning it. This is one of the problems with most striker-fired pistols: they go bang when you pull the trigger with a cartridge in the chamber, and you have to pull the trigger for disassembly.

Glock philosophy: the safety is mostly between your ears.

With best wishes for a speedy recovery, Chief Schwarber, and good luck living this one down. Everyone else: check the chamber at least twice before calling a weapon safe. Always.

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