Thursday, December 4, 2008

Israel Considering Pre-emptive War, US Against It?

How is it that we can go over the river and through the woods to knock down Saddam Hussein's door when he was 'only' supporting terrorism, but we are telling Israel to sit down and behave when the guy two doors down is loading his rifle and making death threats?

If President Calderon of Mexico were saying he was going to blow up Texas, do you really think we wouldn't take drastic measures when it looked like he was almost ready to go?

Iran is almost ready to go.

The US gave Israel a special extra-super-spiffy decoder ring X-band RADAR that will cut minutes off their response time to an Iranian missile launch. Clue: it would only take minutes for the missile to get to Israel from Iran. By the time they scrambled the jets Israel would be seconds away from being a hot glass bowl. Israelis know this. They also know that a missile isn't the only way to deliver a nuke. One good-sized hydrogen bomb delivered from any port, including Gaza, or a much easier-to-conceal truck-based bomb, could effectively destroy the entire country of Israel. And Ahmebeenacrazyguy thinks that would be just fine. Has anyone forgotten, by the way, that missiles are already flying in from the faithful muslims to the evil Jewish men, women, and children, from directly over the border? How stupid do you have to be to think a short-range nuclear-tipped missile couldn't be brought to bear from across the border instead of a across Iraq? Come on now people honestly!

So Israel is making contingency plans for attacking Iran without asking us pretty please to let them go on living another day.

Good. It's about time Israel shook the dust off their swords and rubbed the sleep from their eyes. They bombed nuclear sites in two neighboring countries already. Stand by for #3.

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