Friday, December 19, 2008

Twice in A Week I Am In Agreement With The Muslims?


Queer activists disappointed that nations with strong religious tradition shoot down a bill decriminalizing their preferred perversion.

The USA disagreed with the UN resolution decriminalizing buggery because we are a nation of laws, with a bunch of different sovereign powers. When you have a bunch of equals with rights, you don't just say "OK all you hicks, you're wrong and criminally wrong at that" and call it a day. Also (and here's where I'm in agreement with the Muslims) you don't just say to a nation with a strong religious prohibition on sodomy "OK all you haters, you are wrong and criminally so. We're going to switch you from calling this a captiol offense, to it being no offense at all."

Hold on there.

Think of this that way for a moment. There were just a hair over 1/3 of the member nations for this bill including all of the EU and some of their spawn. There were more nations opposed to it (not just non-signers to the declaration) than there were nations that signed it. Most of them are muslim nations who, in this case fortunately, are obnoxious and numerous enough to get their way almost always for various reasons. In some of those countries it is an offense punishable by death to have MSM sex (well, when you've past a certain age anyhow, but that's for another post). This declaration would have declared a capitol offense to be no offense at all.

That's like saying "OK all you backward-@ss intolerant countries, you currently are killing people for Murder, but now we're going to say it's alright and not even a misdemeanor."


Why is it different?

Just one more reason we need to withdraw from the UN.

By the way, there are some petty tyrants who don't seem to have too much concern about your right to enact laws to suit your morals (and yes you can so shut up about legislating morality, that's all laws are) who are all bent because they don't get to bugger each other all over the world with impunity. You should try to un-elect them because that's the same type of attitude that takes away all your other rights as well. I hate to quote Star Wars, but does anyone remember when Anikin Skywalker pounded the grass in frustration and expressed the attitude you should beware of in your Elected Heroes:

"Someone should MAKE them agree!"

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