Wednesday, December 3, 2008

No Respect, No Respect Atall!*

That would be from the Democrats, for the Constitution.

I had heard rumblings about this a week or two ago when Hillary was nominated to Secretary of State. Now it has actually hit the mainstream news media so I may as well mention it even though they are likely to get one over on you anyhow.

Step 1) The U.S. Constitution prohibits a Senator from being appointed to a civil office, if the civil office got a pay raise during the time they were serving as a Senator.

Step 2) The civil office post of the Secretary of State got a pay raise while Hillary Clinton was a Senator.

Step 3) Therefore, she is barred from serving as Secretary of State. Seems simple, right?

Hold on there.

To the Democrat party, the Constitution is a "living, breathing document" which means basically if they need it changed to suit their ends, by golly it's getting changed. So now there is a serious attempt to

(wait for it)


They literally are trying to make an end-run around the freakin' Constitution for the United States of America! What makes this shameful spectacle even worse is that the person for whom they are trying to subvert the supreme law of the Land is sitting in one of the houses of Congress that will be voting on this measure. She will be voting on her own behalf to try to bend the constitution just a little bit, just this once

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank the fools idiots City dwellers citizens of New York for electing this carpetbagging [deleted] to the Senate. Good job there, you jerks!


For those who did better than the average bear subjected to government school "education" here is the pertinent part of the Constitution. Hair-splitters may note that this is NOT an amendment, but it was in the main body before they passed it around to the States for ratification. Article 1, Section 6 says:

"No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time; and no Person holding any Office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in Office."

There are more things prohibited in that section than I laid out in Step 1) above, as you can clearly see. This Section prevents shenanigans like empire and dynasty building. How? Let's say some civil office is created during the term of a Congressman, with power to do all sorts of nasty things like take over the country, when you read the fine print of the laws laying out the office's authority. Then the Congressman whose idea it was, gets himself appointed to the new office, and starts running things. Bad, right? Right, that's why the founders of our nation (who were, generally speaking, each smarter than all current members of both houses of congress put together) put it in the first Article of the Constitution.


*The title of this post should be read with the voice of Milton in Office Space. If you have never seen Office Space, you need to buy it now, and watch it. Failure to do so will result in your missing half the jokes told by everyone who has ever seen Office Space.

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