Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Princess Diana Bible (a.k.a. the Gay Bible)

I have seen some pretty blatant blasphemy in my day, but this here comes close if it doesn't outright take the cake. The queers have their thongs in a knot about that whole "God says your behavior is an abomination but still loves you and wants you to do right" thing, and now one of them has written a "bible" version which makes them normal.

You can say the sun is purple, and that you are married to your queer "partner," but just because you say it, don't mean it's so. You can say Jesus was queer and the Bible supports your sinful activity, but changing the text on your own initiative doesn't make it true.

The bad part is, if you read ahead to the back of the book, it's not a good idea to change the beginning of it just to make you feel better about your buggery. Then again, anyone going to this extreme obviously doesn't believe anything the book has to say in the first place, so they are unlikely to see the harm in changing it all around to suit their own pleasure (until it's far too late).

I've said it before and I'll say it again: if you speak English, you should be using the King James Version of the Bible, period.


Anonymous said...

I do not understand the entire Christian fetish gay people have to begin with.

Vote For David said...

It's because they know, way way WAY down deep in their hearts that Christians are right; if not about the Jesus, then about the sodomy. But they like the sodomy and build an entire life's identity around it. Rather than change that one behavior they rage against the God who said it was wrong.