Monday, December 22, 2008

Red Light and Speed Cameras: How To Make Them Go Away*.

It occurred to me that it would be possible to entirely get rid of speed cameras and red light cameras. That, or make them much more sophisticated. Send a lot of bogus tickets to the people who decided to put cameras up with your money, over your objections!

Step 1: Find out what your local Elected Heroes (who favored the cameras, not the ones against them! ) drive.

Step 2: Find out their license plate numbers

Step 3: Print out a fake license plate with those numbers

Step 4: Install the fake plate on a car similar to what the red light camera / speed camera -favoring politicians drive

Step 5: Run red lights where there are red light cameras and/or speed where there are speed cameras

Step 6: Remove the false plates

Step 7: Do NOT tell anyone who did it when the story makes local news

*Vote For David does not endorse or recommend this course of action. It is presented for rebellion fomenting entertainment purposes ONLY. Thanks to Uncle for the link to The Sentinel.

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