Monday, March 1, 2010

61 Dead Children Is NOT A Reason For New Laws

You can't make the world 100% safe. Period, end of discussion*

*except for the following:

Be sure that every story you read will have a sob story in it. A sob story does not constitute a reason for doing ANYTHING. The American Academy of Pediatrics is currently dancing in the blood of the children of ignoramus parents who don't know how to do the Heimlich Maneuver, trying to get warning labels (make that BIGGER warning labels) put on food. No, not that you should be eating raw fruit instead of hot dogs. No, they want warning labels that say a small thing can get stuck in a small hole. This is a grave danger and Something Must Be DONE!

SRSLY? 61 kids probably got shocked to death by lightning last year. 61 kids probably died from falling on ice during the recent winter storms. You're worried enough to go on radio, TV, and the intarwebz, and tell parents to chop up hot dogs into bits? 39,000-ish people died in car wrecks last year. Hell this is a DOCTOR's group making a fuss, how about 500 people dying from "medical misadventures?" You can't go out and say to drive careful, you have to tell us to chop up hot dogs? How about the 61 people who died of kidney failure from all the sodium nitrate in the hot dogs they safely chopped up before eating? Sure it's a noble cause but 61 deaths out of a population of 300,000,000 gives your kid approximately 2x10-7 odds of choking to death on a hot dog. Don't feed your kids hot dogs that turned green from "age" and keep living your life already.

Safety goons: get a life.

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