Friday, October 22, 2010

I Agree With Stephen Broden

( . . . on this issue, at least)

The people who started our country overthrew a tyranny to do it. They recognized that it might be necessary to do the same thing again, and framed the new country so it would remain an option on the table. Stephen Broden mentioned this and has been condemned by his own political party. General (in the war against his own King) George Washington approved of violent overthrow of tyrants and disapproved of the spirit of Party in politics.

Hmm, what an amusing coincidence.

I don't know who this Broden cat is, but I do know that he has a more-realistic understanding of the use of violence than the jerks running the local Republican machine. A plain reading of the founders' writings shows an honest reader that violent, bloody overthrow of a government gone too-far awry is always an option. Those who would have us not-know this are dummies.

For the record, unless it gets quite a bit worse: VoteForDavid does not advocate the violent overthrow of the government of the United States or any of the States thereof. And I'd remind the government lackeys wondering what they can get away with doing to the people vs. what they ought to do for the people, not everyone is as reserved as I am in this.

The rattlesnake has a rattle for good reason . . .

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