Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Training Issue

The following is a transcript of two telephone conversations between #1 (8 years old) and me, earlier today:

Call 1:
#1: Hello.
VFD: #1.
#1: Daddy.
VFD: Go ask mommy what time she needs me to be home.
#1: What.
VFD: Go. ask. mommy. what. time. she. needs. me. to. be. home.
#1: Okay (click)

Call 2 (moments later):
#1: Hello?
VFD: Did you hang up on me?
#1: (exhasperated) I can't do both things at the same time, Daddy!
VFD: (explains about putting the phone down vs. hanging up)

Some telephone training is going on here. It is a minor irritant that it happens "on the job" but at least she managed to not hang up on me the second time. . . my Darling Wife wondered why #1 asked the same question twice, and LOL'd pretty hard when I explained the above conversations.

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