Monday, October 18, 2010

Savage: Not Optimistic On Election 2010

There are big numbers floating around. Heady reports of up to 100+ Democrat seats in Congress being in play this November. More realistic reports of 55 seats going Republican.

Savage reminds us that the Democrats are champion election-stealers, and predicted today that the number would be closer to fifTEEN than fifTY, due to elections stolen by left-wing political machines. We all know to joke about dead people voting in Chicago, but how funny is it when it's at the cost of America As We Knew It?

This is THE most important election in our lifetimes so far. Next one will be on a par with it. If the Democrats come out with a majority in the House, watch out (and remember to cash in your 401(k) plans while you can).

Also remember the Ingraham Law: Laura Ingraham stated that any election lost by fewer than 2000 votes to a Democrat, is automatically won by the Democrat in the recounting process.

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