Saturday, October 30, 2010

WTF Is Wrong With You People?

Junk bonds are on a rally lately. Okay, maybe you can give people a pass on that. Junk bonds crashing wasn't the last bubble burst. But mortgage bonds? Really? You're blowing another bubble in mortgage bonds?

Double Facepalm

people, people people.

In a way it's good I suppose. The economy would completely tank, and hard, if people would invest based on the value of things vs. their emotions and optimism. Then I might lose my job in the ensuing crash. While we have a slow slide into the economic abyss, people can keep up hope that the next year holds promise. Then they continue to buy junk on eBay, thereby supporting my employment.

. . . and when we, as Japan, have two lost decades under our belt, I still have a job. Great success.

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