Friday, December 10, 2010

No Conflict of Interest At ALL!

President Clinton has paid President Obama a visit for council on this tax policy mess. That would be the tax policy mess Obama got himself into by being an intransigent ivory tower leftist in the face of both public opinion and political reality. If the Dear President weren't such a babe in the woods, he would know to beware.

President Clinton is married to Secretary of State Clinton, who (as we know because she ran last time) has serious ambitions to be President, and is not getting any younger. If President Obama can be publicly made out to all and sundry as not the one who should be President next term, he may face a primary challenge from Mrs. Clinton. History lesson: incumbent Presidents in living memory do not survive primary challenges.

If Clinton can give bad enough advice that Obama can screw the country worse than he was already going to, Hillary will be the front-runner for the Democrat nomination for PotUS in 2012. Barry is a FOOL to listen to anything Bill Clinton has to say.


But then, he's also doing a pretty convincing imitation of a fool in most other respects, so . . . .

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