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I have read something that you should read. Go read it here after you glance at my pale-in-comparison commentary. It's from The Politics of Bad Faith, by David Horowitz, a book you may feel free to buy me for my birthday, or Christmas, or just because you like me.
I previously had suspicions that the Leftists out there were ignoring a hundred million or so important facts, but I never twisted my mind quite far enough to understand just how they were arriving at the conclusion that "Communism Can Work, Nevermind The Past, They ALL Just Did It Wrong!".
I was off a bit. The idea is that Socialist societies will free men from private property, and although this seems to always happen by murderous oppression, all of a sudden -like the Big Bang theory of creation- one day, POOF! and equality would break out all over the place. So it's okay for all those millions to be killed in the pursuit of the ideal Marxist Communism, because their grandkids (if any survive) will be happy and prosperous communists. The decades of avarice at the top and abject poverty for everybody else, that's just a hiccup on the road to the Ideal, you see? That's why they hate America, where the poor have cars, color (HD cable) TV, high-speed internet, cell phones, half-assed education, air conditioning and cheap food, and they can love the places where even the elite have trouble getting a telephone line installed, and the poor are -literally- dirt-poor.
David Horowitz had an awakening, and God bless him for sharing it.
Leftists/Socialists/Communists won't let themselves understand some things, so they can keep being ideological Marxists: . . ."to confront these arguments would be to confront the lesson of the history that has passed: The socialist idea has been in its consequences, one of the worst and most destructive fantasies to ever have taken hold of the minds of men."
"For seventy years the revolutionary Left put its weight on one side in the international civil war that Lenin had launched, and against the side that promoted human freedom and industrial progress. And it did so in the name of an idea that could not work."
Go. Read. Gain some insight. And vote for