Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Quotes Of The Day 03/02/2010

"he is actually forcing them to talk about spending, and he's getting hammered for it" -Laura Ingraham (referring to Sen. Bunning)
"Today we have a clear-cut example to show the American people just what's wrong with Washington, D.C. That is because today one single Republican senator is standing in the way of the unemployment benefits of 400,000 Americans." Sen. Patty Murray

Senator Jim Bunning was trying to insist that "we" take money from the unspent TARP funds to pay for this $10B stopgap measure. TARP has already been raided by the Obamunists to do things that will/did not help the economy. Bunning was upfront that he was FOR extending the unemployment beneifits of all these folks out of a job, just he didn't want to borrow from his grandchildren to do it.

The Democrats would have none of it, and finally Bunning caved. I'm guessing the number of Senators that ever had to pay down a big personal debt while 'doing without' is approximately ZERO. I wonder if the next American revolution will start when we finally have to enforce austerity measures just like Greece is doing now.

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