Friday, June 4, 2010

Cut Me Off In Traffic Day Today!

It was either a city-wide holiday or I didn't get the memo in time. I don't know if this is how you people who go home at 16:30 always drive, but it was a humm-dinger of a commute going home an hour early today.

Not once, but TWICE within 10 miles, somebody decided that the left-turning lane was not where they wanted to be, and they cut over into the #1 straight-through-the-intersection lane with traffic going 50MPH past them. Directly in front of my car. When I say "directly" I mean "if I didn't hit my brakes I would have stove in the side of a car and a pickup"

Seriously, you can't turn your head or put down the phone or lipstick or whatever you are doing long enough to NOT smash my car into yours? I think they are trying to get me to stop leaving early from work. I'll have to go give my boss a purple nurple for hiring people to be bad drivers so I won't want to leave early.

Or something.

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