Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Where Incompetence And Radicalism Meet: The White House

Larry Kudlow was on Laura Ingraham's show today and he said that he thinks the charge of Incompetence against the senior officials in President Obama's White House sticks. She said what was worse than their sheer incompetence is their radical policy ideas. I am not sure if she missed the point, but she didn't come out and say it so I will:

The two go hand in hand.

If Obama's top advisers were competent to do their jobs, they would know that what can't work, will not work. But it also takes competence to be competent (duh?) so they literally can't realize that their idea will never work no matter how hard they try to Do It HARDER!

I like to try to avoid conspiracy theories until proved wrong. It seems to me that they are paving the road forward (to they know not where) with yellow bricks made of Good Intentions. I hope that we can hang on to the Republic until they are thrown out of power.

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