Friday, June 11, 2010

BP Oil Spill Obama's Katrina?

Chairman Obama went on the TeeVee a few days ago and said the oil spill in the gulf wouldn't hurt him politically. Persons other than him have speculated that the spill will turn out to be his 'katrina'

Why? Let's see:

  • During his administration, it happened.
  • During his administration, the rig that was supposed to be inspected 12 times was inspected only 4 times, the last time by a trainee inspector
  • During his administration, there was a "too-cozy relationship" between regulators and the oil companies
  • The plan already in place, to burn off the oil in the amounts they first thought were leaking, was not followed.
  • Within days, a Dutch oil company offer to send dozens of ships to suck up the leaking oil from the sea, was turned down (possibly to mollify US trade unionists)
  • NINE days later (to bush's three after Katrina) he makes his first speech
  • Private companies offering to send or donate oil skimming and separating machines have been rebuffed
  • The first people we (he) did send to the spill site: lawyers
  • The biggest recipient of campaign money from BP: Obama
  • Louisiana begs them not to use dispersants underwater, and they do
  • Louisiana begs to be allowed to build offshore sand berms before the oil comes, and they are refused
  • AFTER the oil is landing, 1/4 of the berms are approved
  • A team of experts issues a report that is changed (to be euphemistic) to support a ban on more offshore drilling, contrary to their actual findings

    Meanwhile, instead of being a visible, inspiring leader, BHO is busy continuing with the Wednesday night concerts at the White House, playing golf, not attending services at Arlington on Memorial Day, and generally not looking too concerned.

    No, this couldn't possibly look bad for Obama politically. Not at all. Please note that, as the President is black, this post may be racist.
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