Thursday, June 17, 2010

No Thanks, We Got This.

I've got an independent commission studying the matter, so you guys can shove off!

Sean Hannity says we've turned down offers from THIRTEEN foreign nations to help with the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, not to mention all the businesses and private individuals who can't get anyone in The Government to listen to them trying to offer their time and equipment, even for free!

But Obama says he won't suffer from it politically.


Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill, the head of a multibillion dollar multinational corporation was excoriated today by people much his inferior, about his lack of knowledge regarding intimate details of the minute-by-minute goings-on at one of hundreds of work sites around the world. I can hardly believe the low quality of intellect on display in D.C. today. Don't make me run for Congress just so I can go stooge-slap the people who are already working there.

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