Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Movie Review: The Great Raid (2005)

I have added this to my personal collection. If you know how cheap I am, you know that is saying quite something. I'm not big on the phrase "A must-see film" but I do highly recommend it. The story is an inspiring one about a noble act done in the face of overwhelming odds. It shows a lot of what is great about America(ns) in a way that stirs admiration in the heart of a person who has not been thoroughly indoctrinated into modern anti-americanism. It also shows quite a bit of brutal behavior, some of which was justified, in graphic detail.

Not for viewing by children, expectant mothers, or the faint of heart. There are battle scenes which leave little to the imagination, and a couple of tear-jerking plot twists.

The Great Raid may be difficult to watch, but I imageine it was more difficult to live through the actual events . . . the movie is based on a true story.

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