Monday, June 14, 2010

Israeli Jets Given Overflight Permission for Saudi Arabia?!

Oh REeeeeealy!

Have a quick look at a map, and you will see that it would be very convenient for Israel to have permission to overfly Saudi Arabia on the way to turning Iran into a glass factory. It is rumored that such permission has been given. It is rumored such permission has NOT been given, and would never be. Let's go over a couple of pertinent bits of trivia shall we?

  • Saudi Arabia could not stop Israel from overflying its sovereign territory. Israel could pave Saudi Arabia and the Saudis know it.
  • Saudi Arabia doesn't like having a crazy guy with his finger on the Big Red Button for a neighbor any more than Israel does.
  • Saudi Arabia wouldn't cry too many tears if a competing source for oil were to be bombed off the world market for a while.
  • Israel is going to have to nuke Iran, probably sooner rather than later.
  • The message coming from the Saudi military is entirely likely to be different from the message out of the royal family. They are not quite as unified as the USA's establishment.
  • If the royal family gave lip service to airspace refusal, and the military gave airspace permission, the military's permission would win because the princes don't have the missiles, the military does
  • It would take less than an hour for Israeli jets to go across, drop ordnance on target, and then less than an hour again to go back across the Arabian peninsula. If the Saudi military wanted to save face in the Islamic world, they could be "oops, too slow" as the jews were flying over, and then protest loudly after the missions were flown.

    This could be interesting. It could also be the start of Armageddon. Don't forget that one of our historic worst enemies is a big trading partner with Iran. Another of their trading partners is the world's most populous country with a spare 30,000,000 male citizens just waiting to become cannon fodder.
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