Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Yet Another Reason To Buy American: Cancer Villages in China

My company makes tens of thousands of dollars per month recycling stuff that can't be reused or resold. We might make many more thousands of dollars per month, if we sold our recyclables off to China. We choose not to do so.

My family pays more for goods produced in America, or other nations with labor and pollution laws better than China's. We could save lots of money on lots of things we buy. We choose not to do so.

Because China is a third world nation trying to play in the deep end of the pool. They are kicking off the sh*tty part of the bargain to the countryside. Eventually, you get stories about whole towns going from none to lots of cancer cases after the river changes color, after the factory moves in to town.

When you buy your cheap junk from china, you are getting it cheap for a reason. Part of the reason is that they are killing people with environmental pollution.

Buy American.

Hat tip for the link: Moonbattery

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