Sunday, November 28, 2010

Nothing, That's What.

"I've prayed for my family and friends, because obviously if someone was deliberate to do this, what's to stop them from coming to our homes and our schools?" said Mohamed Alyagouri, who worships at the same mosque as a dude who tried to wage Jihad in Portland.

The entire article -which includes quotes from multiple people who worship at this mosque- fails to mention any public statement of condemnation of the anti-human activities of Mohamed Mohamud, who was recently arrested when his atempt to be a good muslim landed him in jail.

They are upset that someone set their islamic center on fire. That is proper. What would also be proper is for their imam to be all over the news saying he's against blowing up innocent Americans over religious differences. Here's a hint: if you don't want to be associated with a terrorist, make a very big public effort to come out and say you're against him. Otherwise (note I am not advocating, only mentioning) don't be surprised when you are lumped in with your co-religionist and your mosque is set on fire.

But VFD, they HAVE condemned the bombing plot! lookit here! (.doc file warning) they're part of the religion of peace! There's no reason to try to burn down this Islamic Center!

Uh-huh. I'll allow for the sake of the current discussion that the general falsehoods in that condemnation don't make the whole thing a farce. Then we are left with (at least) three other obvious possible explanations:

  • shades of reichstagbrand
  • random act of violence, or
  • shot across the muslim world's collective bow

    A lot of nominal moslims who were not participating in Jihad were killed in the crusades. The crusades were not started because there was nothing else to do that Tuesday.

    I'm just sayin'.
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