Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What Happens When An Education Bubble Bursts?

I think they made a movie about it, called "Idiocracy."

The poor, poor, pitiful poor people who happened to be dark-skinded couldn't get a home mortgage. Not because they couldn't afford it and 100% for-sure would default on the note, but just because those rotten ol' banks were racist and greedy! So the Democrats in Congress passed laws to make it easy for race hustlers like Al Sharpy-sharp to pressure banks into making loans to poor people who would never be able to repay them, in the name of racial equality. Those people and a few others were not economically literate enough to realize they were being screwed and they went out and got houses they couldn't afford. Now they are in foreclosure and the economy is in the tank.

Why bring up old stuff, VFD?

Because this story just reminded me of it. Here we have the poor, poor, pitiful poor stupid children whose parents won't force them to study and get good grades, and who are non-white, not getting into advanced courses in high school. The obvious solution: take away the courses because it's not fair for the white kids to be educated. Spread the mediocrity around.

How is it not obvious that this only makes Evanston, Illinois a city with less well-educated citizens? What good is it to deny intelligent students an exceptional education? Oh wait, I forgot . . . it's for equality.

Not everyone can excel, but everyone is capable of sitting on their ass and failing at life. If you insist on making everyone the same, you have to enforce the lowest possible standard. Then when everyone is declared to be special, nobody is special. To a Socialist/Communist, that is the stated goal . . .

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