Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hannity is being dumb.

The new Deficit Reduction Commission recommendations are for higher retirement age and means-testing for social security recipients. Hannity is coming out on the record against this. He is being dumb. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Dept. of Defense are the HUGE CASH-SUCKING BLACK HOLES nobody will talk about reducing (except Michael Shedlock). The retirement age when Social Security was first enacted was high enough that most people dropped dead before they could retire. Now they suck down SS money for DECADES. This is not good. The retirement age needs to be increased to around EIGHTY YEARS OLD to receive full benefits, in order to be the equivalent of when it was first enacted. You were supposed to go on Social Security when you were decrepit and enfeebled beyond all hope of work. In the 1930s that was 65. Now it's 85.

Yes, I know by saying this I have likely killed my chance to be elected to high public office. It is hoped that people will realize that social security needs this reform (and that the reform will have been enacted) by the time I get to the Presidential campaign trail.

Of course, Hannity's point is we can grow out of the depression. Yes, but we can't grow out of a Ponzi scheme as an excuse for a national retirement plan. Especially when Congress ALWAYS spends 100% of the money they were supposed to put toward our retirement accounts, on re-election campaigns/vote-buying pet projects (a.k.a. pork). Your retirement was spent on pork, and you re-elected your Elected Heroes. Now you need to get retirement benefits either never or much, much later in your life. Congratulations.

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