Monday, March 28, 2011

Dreams Is Crazy.

I had a dream last night that I was visiting my Grandparents. My Grandmother is dead now but it's a dream, we're rolling with it. As I was leaving, she asked if there were anything I wanted, and I mentioned a pistol my Grandfather had. She snuck in the house and got it, and gave it to me as an under-the-table inheritance. Also she gave me a sniper rifle.

The pistol was a 1911, a genuine war horse, and rusted and corroded to worse-than-uselessness. The rifle was an awful lot like an M24/M40, with an olive-drab stock, telescope, suppressor, really long barrel. I'm pretty sure my Grandfather doesn't have anything like either one of those arms.

Then, of course, as I was noticing the rifle on the next-door neighbor's driveway, a firefight broke out. With giant robots hundreds of feet tall.

Crazy dream.

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